Welcome to Trinity International School

The relentless pursuit of the school is-
To lay the foundation of a noble character of moral integrity, brotherhood and patriotism in the young minds so that they become confident, independent and strong leaders and citizen who can shape the destiny of the nation.

Our core objective is to produce balanced personality in whom intellectual, emotional and spiritual values are harmoniously developed. Considering this core objective the learning programs in the school are structured to inculcate in the learners, the specific qualities are:

1. Self –confidence with faith in God.
2. Academic excellence.
3. Communication and social skills along with analytical abilities.
4. Maintenance of a well – nourished, healthy and agile physique.
5. Inculcating an affinity towards a disciplined and regulated life.
6. Developing an interest to participate in service activities.
7. Harmonising positive thoughts, words and actions.
8. Developing respect and regard towards Indian culture and way of life.
9. Upholding reverence for parents, elders and honour for dignity of all individuals. To equip the student with all these noble qualities, the education is provided without any distinctions of caste, creed, colour and economic status. We are dedicated to ensuring that every member of our community is successful in our core priorities of learning, teaching and leadership.

All staff are committed to quality teaching characterised by

# High expectations and equality of opportunities.
# Experiences that support learners to engage and acquire knowledge, skills and interests as part of a broad and flexible curriculum
# The promotion of safe, healthy lifestyles and development of future economic well being
# The provision of opportunities through Engineering Specialist Status.

I. the academic year lasts from April to March, The school has a long break for summer and a short break for winter vacation (October-November), the dates of which are announced during each academic year.

The School Terms-
  First Term: April to September
  Second Term: October to March

II.Courses of Study
The curriculum for class I to VIII is as prescribed by Central Board of Secondary Education, New Delhi.

Equipped with the latest Pentium systems, the computer lab is very much in tune with the times. Apart from effectively aiding in teaching the prescribed syllabus, it endeavours to expose the latest technologies and skills to the students.

The School has a rich library to facilitate the education process of the student. The collection of books ranges from pedagogic to philosophy. The library also subscribes to selected weekly and monthly journals, magazine and newsletters, apart from daily newspapers.

The school has spacious and well-ventilated laboratories for the departments of chemistry, physics and bio-science. Furnished with all the necessary instruments and accessories, the labs ensure that the practical understanding of the subject is comprehensive and complete.

The school has a well-furnished and plush audio-visual set-up. It serves as a valuable educational aid and multimedia facility acting as a catalyst in not only crating interest but also in increasing understanding of the students in the basic concepts of various disciplines.

Students have access to huge playground where they can play Football, Cricket, Basketball, Table tennis, Volley Ball and Shuttle Badminton.

The school provides ample opportunities for students with an aptitude for music. Highly talented tutors and availability of different musical instruments help the budding musicians to pursue their interests with ease.
The school provides transport facilities to help day scholars willing to come from far off places.

The School has decided to implement Continuous and Comprehensive Evaluation (CCE) from the very beginning

Skirt ( Coffee Coloured & White )
Shirt (Red-white Check)
Tie & Belt
Shocks (Coffee coloured with white border)
Shocks (White with coffee border)
Blazer ( Coffee Coloured )
Black leather shoes & White canvas shoes
T-Shirt (Housewise)

Pant (Coffee Coloured White)
Shirt (Red-White Check)
Tie & Belt
Shocks (Coffee coloured with white border)
Shocks (White with coffee border)
Blazer ( Coffee Coloured )
Black leather shoes & White canvas shoes
T-Shirt (Housewise)
T-Shirt (Red) with Navy Blue Trouser
.....(One set for Boarders) .

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